Worshiping Sun God at Galle Face Green

June 21, 2010 | By Rakhitha | Filed in: Environment, Me, Myself & I, Photography, Sri Lanka, Travel.

I captured this image with my mobile phone sometimes back (18-April-2010) when I was at Galle Face Green. I was just trying to capture the evening sky. I could not do a good job on it as the lighting was little low for my phone to handle and I was pointing the cam directly at Sun.

I realized what it looked like only after I viewed the image on my computer after coming home.  By than it was obviously too late to go back and take few more (better) shots 🙁

I wish I had a better camera with  me than just a mobile phone at that time!


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One comment on “Worshiping Sun God at Galle Face Green

  1. sajini says:

    nice shot. 🙂
    btw this is the first time I’m wisiting your website. Good luck with it.:) and nice work